Thursday, February 19, 2009

Gallery II

Oh my goodness, this made me laugh. We read "My Map Book" by Sarah Fanelli and, inspired by this post at Playful Learning, I set out to suggest that the girls make their own maps.  It being the week of the valentines, I felt pretty certain they would choose to make heart maps, which Eliza did and is still working on, but without a moment of hesitation, Anika chose to make a map - of her sweet tooth. I helped by drawing a tooth (come on, it kind of looks like a tooth, doesn't it?) and outlining her words in black pen, but the rest is hers, all hers. It really tickles me.
I had to include a picture of this present E made for a good friend at coop.  She came up with the design and did all the sewing herself. I particularly enjoy the fringe...

by E - fairies, flowers, and a beaver, 
which I thought was a dinosaur. 
Detail of those lucious flowers


alissa said...

lucy really likes that purse. and she says that she thought that the beaver was a dinosaur, too. but i can tell by his lovely big beaver teeth that he is a beaver. but why do the fairies look so sad?

slim pickins said...

well, one of them (you probably can't tell, it's so small) is sticking her tongue out at the other and it's making her sad. some kind of argument for sure. but i don't think it has anything to do with the beaver...

Anonymous said...

We love the sweet tooth! I showed the girls and it brought big smiles to their faces :-)

Kerry said...

E&A's art is so very wonderful. The beaver is big, but that's probably just symbolism for "important!"