After taking Eliza to camp this morning, I had time before a doctor's appointment to go - by myself - to the grocery store and Wednesday market. The first cherry tomatoes of the season greeted me and I greedily snatched them up - these are Sun Sugars, and they are a gift from the gods.
I couldn't pass up these pickling cukes, which are now on Day #1 on their seven-day journey to pickledom. I have my grampa's recipe on the fridge and I'm counting down the days...
Our cowapillar selected his spot to hang his "J". I am in awe (sorry this is not a better picture - I didn't want to move the jar and disturb him). I can't wait for the girls to see the jeweled chrysalis...
Ani ran outside to stuff hers full of flower petals, which she said were really wishes. I'd buy that.
Winding down after rehearsal. A little yogurt, a little drawing, a little conversation...I miss this girl all day and it's hard to "make" her go to bed right away when she gets home. She runs around catching fireflies, reluctantly changes her clothes, and pulls me into story after story, song after song...
great pictures, darlin'. nice snapshots of your day. it reminded me that i totally forgot to take a picture of lucy in her bikini today. i'm sure i'll have plenty of opportunities over the summer....its pretty adorable...
Yea! the monarchs are changing, looks to me like they are happy with what you are doing!!! :)
Love, love, love the wishing case. what a cute little snail. good job Ani!
Yum, pickled cukes. I'm going to try that this year.
What a beautiful day!
Lisa :)
Oh you're eating cherry tomatoes already!! I'm envious. We're still eating greens and the peas aren't yet ready.
Is that a monarch? Oh we love those critters. Thanks for visiting FIMBY today
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