Well, first there was a lovely morning...complete with egg-in-the-middle-of-the-bread and black kitty in the lap. Anika and I had, as is "usuable" these days, the morning all to ourselves. Dan and Eliza are keeping late nights and we're letting them sleep in.
I didn't get a good picture of the in-between - the hauling out of the instruments and Dan and Ani jamming away with some interesting combinations, mostly involving the ukelele (Dan) and the violin, lap harp, or kazoo (Anika). A and I spent the afternoon at the Linscott farm and then took this lovely walk once Dan and Eliza left for their dress rehearsal!
The way to get this kid out of the stroller (Without a fight. I tried the fight. I lost.) is to start looking for black raspberries along the path and keeping the best ones for yourself...(she wanted all the berries, not just some of the berries...)
My garden helper, bringing more water for the tiny tomatoes.
Beautiful pale Jewelweed, along our way home...
Our evenings are to ourselves for a few days longer. I would love to be telling you stories about the rehearsals of Oliver!, but I have none. I'm feeling a little left out, but hopefully one of these days Dan will have two minutes of his day that are not consumed by the show or by Anika, trying to make up for time lost, and he will relate how this experience has been for him and for Eliza. What I can tell you is that her eyes are glazed with happiness at 11:00 at night, she scowls at days off from rehearsal, and our excursions about town are now peppered with "Oh! See that man at the gas station?? That's Mr. Bumble!!" and the like. I will write more about my end of this experience, the observations I'm making about E in that world, but not tonight...
Your garden is AMAZING!!!!!
Lisa ;)
I agree! The garden looks so lush and pregnant! (Can gardens be pregnant?) Will we be harvesting produce while we're visiting?!! And I love the pictures of the plants and beautiful red beetle!You're really enjoying your camera, aren't you? You should join Aunt Kerry's photography group! See you soon, love.
These are gorgeous photos. What a garden you have!
oh friends. oh dear dear friends. how i would love for you to think of our garden as...AMAZING...and lush. oh yeesh. we garden a small splot amidst the amazing, lush gardens of much more experienced gardeners, and while you can glimpse a few of our plants in that photo, ani is walking the path BETWEEN the plots and so, you see...we are not really the fantastic gardeners i would love for you to believe we are. alas.
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