Tuesday, September 8, 2009

"Aging" Paper with Tea

Now that we have some beautiful ink to use, we needed some fine, old-looking paper! I remembered this post about staining cardstock with tea, so we gave it a try...

The bags broke quickly and the bits of leaves sticking to the paper created a neat effect

Eliza wanted watermarks, so thought to drip first, wait, then smear.

We hung them to dry in our stick house in the backyard

They're under a heavy book, flattening out; I'll let you know their eventual fate - it's rumoured they'll end up as a diary...


Annie said...

I can't wait to see the final product!

5 orange potatoes said...

OOOOh, love it! Some of our tea bags broke too, it's just added more aged goodness to the paper. I want to do this staining technique with the pokeberry juice too! Wouldn't that be pretty?
