Sunday, September 6, 2009

Creatures of Nature

We've been reading a book we've gotten from the library many times called Crickwing by Janell Cannon (author of Verdi and the beloved Stellaluna). In the story, a cockroach (yes, a cockroach; I love Cannon's choices of creatures to write about) soothes his pains, physical and emotional, by creating masterpieces out of the vegetation he finds in the forest around him. I thought it might do us some good to spend some time creating some critters after one of our walks through a local woodland. We tried to gather only what had already fallen or broken off; there were a couple of flowers that made it into our basket because what four year old can resist the opportunity to pick a flower?

Our basket of goodies

A little fellow who joined us at the picnic table
(I think he looks like a scottish terrier of the caterpillar world!)

Part of the fun was gathering the mud/clay/sand from the creek for the body

Check out those ears!

Eliza tore herself away from the creek to join us

Ta da!

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