This is what Eliza said to me this morning. It wasn't the first time, but this time I sighed, looked around, saw two boards inexplicably sitting under the table in the living room, and said, would you be happy putting some nails into these? Apparently she was. Very happy.
It was a nice ending to a fun-filled weekend - on Friday, Eliza and I dropped Ani off at Dan's office on campus and we went to an exhibit at the Kennedy Art Museum. Mark Dion had curated a collection of Ohio University's stuff - animal skulls, old movie reels, diagrams of flowers from the old science classrooms, x-rays of know, cool stuff. There were also collections of tiny things from members of the community - thimbles, salt and pepper shakers, doll houses, four-leaf clovers...we loved the whole thing. We took our nature journals along and did a little drawing. I love that time alone with my girl. Saturday night we went to the monthly contra dance on campus, and while Ani snuggled on my lap and watched, Eliza and Dan danced up a storm. She just glows with confidence and joy - she knows the moves, remembers the order, is comfortable with switching partners; for the last dance before we left she even went up and asked a new friend (ie: dog-walker from our neighborhood - who else?!) to be her partner for a whole dance, in a separate line from Dan. She had a blast. Today she and Dan went swimming together at the OU pool while Ani and I had a walk by the was a gorgeous break in the cloudy day, and we were joined by groundhogs, geese and heron...lovely.
1 comment:
hurrah! love the hammering- ej may have some input on good ways to do those yarny things. he's made a few in his day. love the pics of e dancing, too. show those to folks who think that she is too shy and isn't socialized!! lordy.
love you on this grey and chilly monday morning!!
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