Thursday, January 7, 2010

January 7

Big energy in this house today...and reluctance to go out in the, on to Hullabaloo...

Some impromptu calendar making.
(Eliza was so into drawing the grid with the ruler that she originally made 10 days in the week!)
We were treated to a puppet show by Eliza. I'm not sure what it was called, but it involved a huge sunflower and 2 mice.

Instant replay.
And at the end of the day, when the girls realized how lovely the snow was out there, when it had grown much too dark to go sledding (don't tell them that the grown-up sledders just left the hill and it's nearly 11), we decided to make up for it a bit by trying maple syrup on snow. You know, like Mary and Laura. It was deeeeelish and we're gonna try it again tomorrow.

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