Monday, April 5, 2010

Eggs and Gardens

Easter morn...

 Easter afternoon...
The girls got really into drawing maps of the garden, with ideas of what they would particularly like to be "in charge" of...Eliza put in loads of work on her little area, staking it off with sticks and string, planting onion sets and turnip seeds.  Ani put in beets in a little square foot, and I put in onion sets, beets, chard, and lettuce.  The garden looks so neat and ready right now...I'm really enjoying the possibility and promise.  As I sit here I can smell a slow gentle rain that will feel good to those baby pea shoots...


Stephanie said...

Looks as if all is well!

Reba said...

i am so excited for you about the garden!! it looks great! I'm looking forward to updates too! (yes i'm a garden geek) I hope you have luck with the beets. Bugs love them so keep a close eye on them...perhaps even a row cover? We have grown beets several years but they are almost always eaten by some critter before we get a chance at them.
well...just know that we are rooting for you! Ha! we're "rooting" for your garden! <3

Tan Family said...

What a nice Easter! Looks like the weather is cooperating for you. Our kids just drew up some garden plans and every time the sun peeks out, we are outside getting the garden prepped. Happy Spring!

Kerry said...

Well your weather is waaay nicer than ours right now! So I guess I'll just enjoy your pics and imagine I'm there with you. We did, however, have a fun egg hunt in the living room.