Friday, August 27, 2010


Technically, this photo is from yesterday morning. Iced tea and pancakes outside in the yard, while watching the world (ie: the school children) go by. With all the hooplah about not-back-to-school, this would be an example of how we are spending our week, not going back to school...!

This morning started off with some puppet shows.  We had Snow White...
...and Punch and Judy (in this production, Punch is played by a turkey), complete with audience participation (yes it is! oh no it isn't! yes it is! oh no it isn't!).
We packed a lunch and headed off to what we thought was a harvest festival, only to find we are about 5 weeks too early....ahem.  So we quickly turned around and tried to head off the friends we were meeting by driving to their farm.  We missed them but enjoyed a picnic with their cats and fowl.
this is how a chicken moves
interspecies preening?
This evening we attended Final Fridays, an artwalk in the town north of us.  The summer arts program Dan worked with this year held a screening of short films created by students in the program, and an opening of their incredible art work.

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