Friday, December 24, 2010


(Sickness update - we've moved through 2 and a half of us...we just might be done in time for Christmas and Family to come!!!)

We often exchange handmade gifts on Solstice. This year caught both Dan and I unfinished, but the girls had been at work...
Eliza painted this Goddess of the Night for me - she was thinking of the dark of Solstice time, maybe inspired from one of the stories we've read about Mother Night caring for the waning sun.  I was kind of stunned. There is so much I love about this painting, not the least of which is that she made it for me.  The shining gold of her hair, hinting at the sun, her reclining position of power in the night sky, surrounded by so much swirling and sparkling around her...
Dan's theme, apparently was chickens!!  This one is from Eliza; I love the glasses...
And this one from Anika - she says, "It has a chicken in it!"  The chicken appears to be carrying the sun on its speckled back...
:: :: :: ::
making, doing, cleaning, decorating, pausing,
more making, cleaning, wrapping...


Stephanie said...

And you know I love their art.

Happy Christmastime to all of you!

Stacy (Mama-Om) said...

Debbie, whenever you get the chance, will you share with me (or all your readers) the story of Goddess of the Night?