Sunday, October 23, 2011


 Oh, October. How you've grown cold and wet. The ground is littered with your leafy stars and your icy fingers pry at our windows and doors. But we're not deterred, no...we are determined to enjoy our days with you nevertheless.
(This is the extent of the backyard, which is where the girls went for an hour and a half in the freezing drizzle yesterday morning, dressed in their snowpants and boots and woolen hats and neckwarmers - all so novel here at the whispery start of the cold season)
 And this is the collage work that has taken over the living room today....They are creating a pirate family ("the pirate ancestors!" giggle giggle, cackle cackle).
My favorites are the pirate babies, daggers, peg-legs and all...
Saturday was bright and inviting. Hello, Mr. Box Turtle - whatchya doin' in the road?
It was a day of golf, of course, and playing...
The woods are preparing for a weekend of company - a Halloween party and a golf tournament (I've got to write about that soon!), so Ani and I spend some time clearing sticks from the future "tent city". We find this little one, hunkered down in the hollow of a tree.  One of the girls wonders if they're patterned this way because they're busy at this time of year and they're so well camouflaged in the leaves...
October, you are so fickle. The sun was thinner than it was a week ago, and the temperatures will drop again this week, but oh, the day was beautiful...

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Stopping by from Helena's blog. Gorgeous photos. I just love the beauty that fall bring!

~Jess @ Teachable Moments