Thursday, July 12, 2012

everyday stuff

On the kitchen counter next to our stove:

Two jars of deep purple sauerkraut, fermenting
A half dozen beautiful tomatoes from the farmer's market
Stack of recipes - including a crumbling black binder of my grandma's and several loose sheets of paper, one of which I'm hoping has a recipe for peach salsa on it
A cup that holds 9 or so egg shells that I think belonged to a snake
(or, rather, several snakes)
A measuring cup full of sprigs of purslane, from a friend's garden. They're beautiful.

On my dresser:

A Thomas Jefferson Education - Oliver Van DeMille
Nature's Garden: A Guide to Identifying, Harvesting, and Preparing Edible Wild Plants
Adam & Eve - Sena Jeter Naslund
Horoscopes for the Dead - Billy Collins

On my to-do list today:

Finish organizing the materials in the art room (finally! finally! finally!!)
Water the garden, as we are apparently truly in a drought
Chauffeur - Eliza to the library for a writing workshop that she LOVES; Ani to dragon art camp which she LOVES; Eliza to piano, which she sometimes dreads but always appears to end up enjoying
Get around to making peach salsa and southeast asian chili garlic sauce

Looking forward to:

Catching up with an old friend on the phone while one child writes and the other reads in the library
Hanging out with Eliza - alone - after piano. Those moments are so rare.
Tonight: a sushi picnic by the river with friends-from-the-woods followed by Singing in the Rain at the big movie theater
Tomorrow: hiking with a friend in a county west of us - cedar barrens and prairie remnants and who knows what else...


merry said...

Wow! Sounds like a full day! Mine - reading, reading, a movie this afternoon, and the rest of the day and evening with Papa and his baby brother! Much more laid back than yours!

Tokarz said...

i like this.