Thursday, December 27, 2012

days of christmas...

Our days this week have been luxurious: Dan at home, making, hanging out, taking care of our home and our spirits, and preparing for our family to drive south to be with us.

my beautiful new belt buckle

We stretch out gift opening as long as possible, but even so it is a deluge from our generous families, and at some point we all reach an overwhelm and have to get outside to decompress and refocus in some quiet and fresh air.  I am so grateful that our family doesn't complain about our reluctance to travel for the holidays, but really, we need that downtime to get through this time of year. 

And just in time for family, we were recharged and grounded, enjoying each other and the day!  Good thing; life is non-stop now that they're great!  

Dance shows, crokinole games, card games, Bollywood music, knitting, eating, eating, eating...and a dusting of's all happening!

1 comment:

merry said...

and it was over way too soon!