Friday, December 14, 2012

here and now

We are deep in the whirls and swirls of this time of year, to be sure (the making, the dancing, the singing, the hoping for snow), but first, to attend to my obsession with the after-life of the avocados in my compost.  I was cleaning off our tree-stand in the back yard this morning while the merry band were off getting a tree, and I happened to spy what looked like a beautiful lush piece of moss sitting on top of the compost pile.  At a closer glance, it was a piece of moss, growing on an avocado peel. looked like a decorator crab.  Or a shy turtle.  It was awesome.  

A little horseshoe crab-ish.   With flair.  It is now living (hopefully) in the terrarium in the bathroom where many of our finds live (well, lived.  The eyelash cup and the greenstain fared all right for a bit, but they apparently didn't have enough rotten stuff to sustain them...).

But on to the rest of it!!  As I said, the making...lots of that going on here.

And the playing, reading, reading, and general hanging out, recovering from several late nights and sleepovers.

The tree is here, the lights are up, and spirits seem to be good and rising...


merry said...

and such a lovely tree it is! I love the glow it is putting out. Keep it glowing for 11 more days so I can see it!! Not long now.

sarah in the woods said...

Pretty tree and moss. Looks like a perfectly fun time.