Wednesday, October 2, 2013

a week past

A whole week, already? All right then...

Have some milk that's gone bad? We did, so pulled out the food coloring and dish soap to make some color magic.

Eliza is fearless with the sewing machine; I am a bit more timid, so we invited a kindred fearless sewing buddy over for an afternoon of making...

The equinox found us in the woods with friends, soaking it up, enjoying the cooler air. And there were a few mushrooms...

Eliza has started playing with Inkscape...

And I enjoyed some sister love...(I love these moments so much)

And our house filled throughout the week with flowers and was my birthday!

I was humbled by the love I received.  Three cakes from three friends, one of which was sent from Texas.  A date at the art museum. A margarita with my husband and an impromptu party at the local pub, complete with as many birthday songs as we all could come up with.  It was lovely!

Bejewelled galls
really, these are galls. aren't they beautiful?
these girls love an excuse for a party!
When Dan asked what I wanted for my birthday I answered: a wallet and a day at United Plant Savers.  Saturday he watched a gaggle of kids (and made soup and CAKE) while two friends and I headed down there for their Cohosh Celebration, a day of hiking and workshops in the most beautiful autumn weather.

mystery caterpillar
I'm easily distracted, but WOW.

beech nut and hull
the meadow...

I went along on a plant walk while the dew was still fresh on the plants, and then sat in the sun for a Holistic Approaches to Menopause workshop.  My brain and notebook are full of thoughts about this talk!

The afternoon talk was about trees - identifying them, the medicinal uses of them.  Eliza and I travel to the Southeastern Women's Herbal Conference in a week - so excited we are! - but it was really nice to be able to take advantage of this local opportunity for deepening my learning.

Home at the end of the day for potlucking with friends, with a rousing game of animal/feelings charades...

confused bunny
I think she was an ostrich...and she looks pretty happy...
she was a...human? doing a rubik's cube? dunno...
no Charades. just happppy.
Lots of love, a beautiful first week of fall.  That should bring us just about up to date...


amy turn sharp said...

LOVE yr pics! hey I am going to send dan (are you on FB?) an invite for my bday party! you guys must come! x

merry said...

Lovely! Just plain L.O.V.E.L.Y!!!

merry said...

I'm curious --- did the milk smell horrible as Ani was working on it? What an interesting project and it turned out so beautifully!!

slim pickins said...

nope - it didn't smell bad, just curdled in my coffee...the skinny is that the soap molecules are polarized on one end and unpolarized on the other, and they cause the milk to come apart chemically - proteins go one way, dispersed by the water-loving soap particles, and fats glomb onto the water-phobic soap particles. it's the fats meeting up with the soap particles that make for the swirlies...i got in on the fun too - it's kind of mesmerizing...