Thursday, October 2, 2014


Our dear ones from Virginia came visiting last weekend! I feel so lucky when we can get friends to travel here, to Ohio. It's not exactly a weekend destination, but I'd like to think we showed them a good time!  Truthfully, more accurate photos would show a set of markers and our living room table, where the girls parked themselves for much of the visit, and my kitchen table, the air buzzing with conversation and a bottle of wine between us - but we did take a hike and a ramble uptown, so here is that.
Willa and  her Woolly
jewelweed seed launch

the seeds (the brown ones are tasty - like little nuts)
the spring!

visiting the set of  bobrauschenbergamerica - opens this week!
Love you, friends...

1 comment:

Kerry said...

So wonderful to have these kinds of friends. I can feel the warmth.