Sunday, February 8, 2015


I had Big Plans for February writing...but I was several days in before I realized it was actually February, so there goes that momentum.  So, instead of inspired writing, I'm gonna play catch up for a minute...We had a few things going on this week that conspired to make it feel really busy.  I had some extra work, we had a few days with extra people in our house, and Ani was fighting a cold for much of the week, which only kept her glued to Dragon Rider and the legos for a day or two...

story? check. legos? check. toilet paper? check.
Eliza has kicked her cold and was back at sewing class on Tuesday and came home mad about making headbands...

...and this weekend we had a visit from dear Naudia, who taught us the magic of making origami heart bookmarks. We went a little overboard, so I think they'll probably make their way into the library, but aren't they so cute?

Dan is a bit skeptical about my over-zealous decorating, but I thought I'd jazz things up a bit for those folks who are regular checkers.  We now have a large bag full of books that lives inside, ready to switch out for the ones currently out for loan, but we have not had many takers so far...Come on, people! There are some good ones in there!  Pablo Neruda's 100 Love Sonnets, Trumpet of the Swan, Go, Dog, Go!  I have had two people stop me at the grocery store because they saw the library on Facebook (!) and a woman I'd never met before paused when she was signing me in to work, to say, "Do you live on the West Side?" and went on to tell me that she recognized my name from a photo of the library...Word's getting out there, so maybe it's just a matter of time.

The girls made challah on Saturday, making the house smell amazing and glutenous...The temperature was in the low 60's and we spied crocuses already in the garden.  Imbolc, the stirring of the seeds, spring is near... 

1 comment:

merry said...

Don't know where to start on this one. I love the hair bands and the bookmarks!Would for sure use one and not wear the other! Where are you working that you have to sign in? I'll leave it at that.