I am pretty happy about this photo. About as happy as I was to find ramp, or wild leek, at the Farmer's Market this morning. There are festivals in Appalachia that are held in its honor; this hallowed "King of Stink" is a relative of the onion and garlic, and I've been eyeing it in the local parks (once I figured out how to identify it!) but never felt like I could take more than a leaf or two. Well, I cooked me up a whole bunch tonight and had it with linguine, and it was spicy and so yummy. It probably didn't do much for my breath, but my kids haven't complained yet.
I also bought a bag of stinging nettle (from the same stand - the growers are Art and Peggy Gish, who in my opinion are local celebrities. Have a look here to hear them talk about the peace work they have been doing in Iraq and in Palestine for the past 14 years.) (disclaimer - I haven't watched this particular clip all the way through - I will later and edit if necessary!). I am excited to try a bit as a tea, and saute the rest up with some fresh green garlic I also picked up this morning. I have heard marvelous things about nettles, and seem to remember the mother of a friend in high school making soup from some she collected in their backyard. Delicious.
We spent a good part of the afternoon at the beach, where we found a large American Toad nestled in the sand and this cute baby painted turtle swimming in the water. Eliza moved both over to a safer area of the beach, near some reeds, as the beach was swarming with OU students and families enjoying the 80 degree weather. We felt so lucky to see them before they were smooshed!
And I would be remiss if I did not include a photo of my darling fashionista, who figured out that she could braid her own hair. It did not seem to bother her a bit that that meant the braids were shielding her face - she told me that she has noticed "several African girls" wearing their hair in braids and she thought it was beautiful and would like to try it. I love this girl.
Oh, I love you, D. I love all of your posting lately - I can hear your voice saying each word. And your pictures are wonderful at capturing the moments.
Your meals sound amazing - and so in season. Keep it up.
Wishing I was there for some sister time. Take care,
BTW, this and that is not from Jim - it's from Nancy!!!!
you can't fool me, jim. i know this is you. but this is dan writing - or is it? looking forward to that sister time. xox
I can't believe how lucky you are to find that super CUTE baby painted turtle!!!! Soooooo JEALOUS! Love the hair on the fashionista!
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