We visited our garden for the first time in over a week today...I was a little worried; it's gotten so neglected with my work at the market garden that I thought the weeds might have set up permanent residence. Well, they did look quite comfy, but so did the nasturtiums...
the girls were so thrilled that there was something to pick, something so delicious and, as Eliza said, "fresher than fresh! I mean, I'm picking it and then I'm eating it!" She was so jazzed that as she helped me pull a small forest of weeds from our surrounding pathway she kept exclaiming things like, "Oh man! Pretty soon we won't be buying ANY food, and it will all be FRESH and super LOCAL, 'cause it'll be from OUR GARDEN!"
Me, I'm still so thrilled that something that I put in the ground, something as small as, well, a pea, grew into this magnificent, complicated plant that is producing food that my family is eating. It is mind-blowing and so exciting and yes, really really simple.
Oh, what fun!! To see the fruits of your labor and actually get to eat them! I'm so happy that the girls get excited about something so basic! Your pictures are beautiful - nastertiums were some of your gramma's favorites!
That's so awesome that she is so excited about it. :)
When we get more foods in ours, we're going to have lunch in the garden. :) Maybe we'll bring a knife for slicing, but maybe we'll just tear off big bites of cucumbers.
Stephanie - My girls love to do that with whole cukes. I half expected Eliza to nibble the peas before they were picked - she's that kinda girl...
mom - I can't wait for you to come and see it! The weeds should be truly tremendous by then!!
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