Tuesday, January 18, 2011

sun, snow, family...

My dad and his wife were visiting for the past few days, and we were blessed with some sunshine on our snow, so out we went...
Eliza followed these tracks for a ways; they crossed our trail and ran up a log and seemingly ended in a pile of sticks and leaves to one side of the creekbed. We love playing winter detective...
It was so nice to get to the top of the ridge and find the sun working its magic on the snow.  On the way down I ran into these nice creatures. I think they were beavers. Or gnomes. Or a cross between the two. I bid them good day and was quickly on my way.
We had several trips down the bike path, to run off some extra energy,  purchase some milk from the farm, and to say hello to the garden.
Snow-covered comfrey
We had such a nice visit, reading, playing games, making food, eating the food that they brought (how can one complain about guests who bring pans of lasagne and chocolate cake?!). I spent Monday afternoon at the local pub, having beers with first my dad and then my husband...while the girls hung out with Gramma Liz and helped her make dinner.
Thank you for coming all that way to see us! We love you!

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