Thursday, October 6, 2011

things you can do with oatmeal, yogurt and honey

Well, the obvious place to start would be with eating it. Yes, but we live on the edge and decided to do something else...we smeared it on our faces. Mmmmhmmm. It's that time of year (you know, the 4 months before Christmas?) when our mailbox is jammed with catalogs aimed at kids.  Well, Eliza was reading one and found a description of a  "Beauty Spa" that she clipped out and has been hanging on to. I was thinking of a science experiment that we could do together earlier this week, and she said, Mama, I wanna do this! and showed me the photo. Hm. Concocting. All right. We can do that...So she looked up "natural face masks" online and off we went...

First you grind the oats...
 ...add some live yogurt (raw goat in this case!)...
 ...and the honey...
 Ask  your little sister to cut some cucumber for the eyes, and ask your Mama to be your guinea pig first customer...
 Our cucumbers were a little large...and cold...and wouldn't stay on 'cause we were laughing so hard.
Ani took the photos of me - didn't she do a nice job?? Can't say much for her subject matter! On to her turn...
 It's cold! And slimy! And oooh, it's on my lip!
 Pretty, ain't I?
 This photo could be titled, "Little Sister's Revenge"...mwah-ha-ha...
 Did I mention we were laughing a lot??
 Relaaaaaaaaax, Eliza...
We had a dance party while waiting for it to dry, and sported the smoothest skin for the rest of the day...

1 comment:

Bagman and Butler said...

Hilarious. Great pics. Fun fun fun. In South Carolina we have an annual jumping into a huge tub of grits event. I think we should add honey and yogurt.