Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Ani's thinkings

Bedtime, pondering the state of our world, as pertains to the over-production of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere...

I just need to get into the system.  If I can get into the mayor's system and then into the state (governor?) yeah, governor's system and then get into the president's system, I could convince the president that he has to make it a rule that everyone has an electric car, and just this once if you were someone who couldn't afford to buy an electric car, he would buy one for you. Just this once.

Mom, where does electricity come from again? (We talk about coal, fossil fuels and then alternative energy) Wait - what if the electricity came from the sun? We could make them SOLAR cars, running on the sun.

Yeah. I wish you were in the system.  Along these lines, we read a great book from the library the other day, called Buried Sunlight. I would marry this book, it is so wonderful. It is written and illustrated by Molly Bang and Penny Chisholm and just the title makes me shiver: Buried Sunlight. It explains fossil fuels in the most poetic and effective way.

~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~

Walking, and thinking, which for Ani means talking out loud...

Have you ever noticed how soft "r" is? Rrrrrrrr. R. It's soft. Like a mama who is trying to scold you but is really too nice.  (What does a mean mama sound like??) Tuh! TUH! TUH TUH TUH! That's a mean mom. (Do I dare ask....?) I think you're more like a Kuh, when you're mad. Or maybe a Puh. Puh puh puh KUH.
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She will tell you that she is an "external processor" and she is right; there is not a lot of guessing what is going on. She is articulate and poetic and I keep imagining that every age will steal these moments of insight from the rest of us.  At four she narrated everything, every action and decision sounded like "Mama, I'm going to drink my fizzy juice, I love fizzy juice, I'm going to drink my fizzy juice, Mama? Mama, I'm drinking my fizzy juice! I had a BIG drink of my fizzy juice!" and I was certain that at five, then six, then seven it would fade, which I guess it has to that exaggerated extent, but at nine she  is still not self-conscious and loves to share what she is thinking.  My friend has been teaching a small art class and, laughing, relayed that while everyone got quieter and quieter as they delved into the worlds of their art work, Ani was so happy she kept declaring "I love doing this! Don't you love doing this? I am so happy! I love making art!"  Thank goodness it's positive...

This post is a part of my attempt to write a post every day in November. So far so good.


Sarah said...

Ani's thought processes and optimism is so precious and inspiring. I love the "just this once"!

She is so in the moment, all the time!

merry said...

Oh, how I love that girl! I would add: we would go on walks in Richmond, Ani talking all the way (what,3 yrs old?) AND she had to be holding something in each hand! For a while it would be an acorn, and if she dropped one, she'd stop and pick up another - all without missing a beat in whatever she was talking about!! Have I said, I love her?