Monday, November 3, 2014

to the centipede in my bathroom

photo and origami credit
You crawled through the Devonian,
and out from under the sink

feathered like a moth's
striped and leggy

you pour over the edges and corners

I think of
a shrimp,
delicately constructed
like tissue-paper origami

to sit on the pastic splashboard,
having circled the remains
of toothpaste and paint
to hover under the ledge of the medicine

Out of prehistory
into the now,
a quicksilver fossil
made of liquid and light.

This post is a part of my attempt to write a post every day in November. So far so good.


merry said...

You make this sound much prettier than it really is! YUK!! I shiver just thinking of it!

allieger said...

I agree with merry! Gah! : )