*editorial note: I spoke too soon. Dan is also down for the count. Sigh.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Four down...
three of us - knock on wood - unscathed, so far. The girls had a lovely Tuesday...

Wednesday was Eliza and Ani's turn to be o-u-t with the flu (oof. a long day.). Now my sister...this is about what we're all up for today:
Ice Age, The Meltdown, courtesy of Mormor (my mom), who has kept the household going, making sure everyone has the food they need or want, washing dishes, reading and reading and reading...we're ushering out the old year with movies, soup, and the lights of the Christmas tree...
*editorial note: I spoke too soon. Dan is also down for the count. Sigh.
*editorial note: I spoke too soon. Dan is also down for the count. Sigh.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Family photo ornaments
Most of our gifts have been given and received by now, so I am feeling more free to share in this space some of what we have made this year. The idea behind these ornaments is simple, and it has brought family stories to the center of our celebration. I made a set of these for my sister's tree - my mom's family all gather around her tree, festooned with real lit candles for Christmas eve, so I knew many of the people in the photos would be there to see them - and a slightly different set for my dad, as I have become keeper of many of the old family photos; and of course there are many of these hanging on our tree.
My sister thinks we should submit this photo to Sketchy Santas...
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
More to celebrate
My mom, sister and niece traveled through snow and wind to spend this week with us, and I am so grateful to have them here! As if driving 40 mph from Wisconsin, passing dozens of cars and trucks in the ditches, wasn't trial enough, my niece commenced to vomit during day two of their drive and didn't stop until last night. The girls haven't let that slow down the reunion a bit, however, and today we made up for the lost hours...
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Wons A Pon A Tim
We moved from our home in Seattle, where both girls were born, when Eliza was four. She was old enough to have made some "lifelong" friends, and that is when her letter-writing began. She has never shied away from writing, but she has always been reluctant to strike out on her own and try more inventive spelling. This has meant that one letter, thank-you card, Valentine or story (they were rare and short!) were painstakingly written, checking letter for letter with me to make sure each word is spelled correctly. This has meant that every note I have ever received from Eliza consists of one sentence: Mama, I love you. Love, Eliza. She has always had clear handwriting, from a very young age, and an interest in cursive, so I have been hopeful that once she was interested in reading it would influence how she was writing.

One of the presents tucked in her stocking this year was a little $2 notebook. Another was a pen. This girl has pens and notebooks tucked in every corner and bag, but for some reason, this book immediately became her journal, as she wrote, without stopping for any input from us at all, two full pages of thoughts about the Christmas she was having. This has continued in the days following Christmas, and, as she shared from one entry, "it is vare fon to rit in it somtims i cant stop i love it so moch".

It is so exciting to watch her get her thoughts out by herself, quickly enough that she doesn't lose interest, and the pride, oh, my...she is so happy about this. I am so happy about this. It is like the reading, having her discover something on her own that she is excited about.
One of the presents tucked in her stocking this year was a little $2 notebook. Another was a pen. This girl has pens and notebooks tucked in every corner and bag, but for some reason, this book immediately became her journal, as she wrote, without stopping for any input from us at all, two full pages of thoughts about the Christmas she was having. This has continued in the days following Christmas, and, as she shared from one entry, "it is vare fon to rit in it somtims i cant stop i love it so moch".
It is so exciting to watch her get her thoughts out by herself, quickly enough that she doesn't lose interest, and the pride, oh, my...she is so happy about this. I am so happy about this. It is like the reading, having her discover something on her own that she is excited about.
(Accompanying this post should be sounds of internal squealing from the mama!)
Saturday, December 26, 2009
spies like us
Jay O'Callahan on the radio!
We are huge fans of storyteller Jay O'Callahan. PRI's Living on Earth this week features his story "Forged in the Stars" - it comes on soon in our area, and I believe you can listen to the podcast at your leisure...it should be a treat!
the day of the eve
For the second year in a row - a tradition? - we took ourselves out for Chinese food, which feels so fancy to the girls, sitting *alone* in restaurant, eating a smorgasbord of interesting new foods. Then the drive around the town, looking for festive lights, and coming home to read in the light of the tree and get some squirrely girls to bed...
(ps - My husband, kids, and in-laws got me a new camera for Christmas... Dan rightly predicted I would be lost in the manual once I opened it, and saved it for last. I am still figuring it out, specifically trying to make the photos small enough to load into Blogger - any ideas? I am a newbie at having a "fancy" camera. I LOVE it! When I figure it out, I'll try to post some photos of Christmas day, if only to share the girls in their "spy outfits".)
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
Sunday, December 20, 2009
happy solstice
We got an early start on the solstice...there was sledding...

...and snowball fights (can you see them? kids against grownups...er, Dan.)...
...and painting (in the "paint shirt")...
...and lantern-making...

...and at last darkness again and a walk to the bike path, and over the river into true darkness, with our lanterns swinging by our sides. We talked about what we are grateful that the sun does for us in our lives: Ani is glad it has a home, way way up in the sky where it is safe; Eliza is grateful that it feeds the plants in our garden and gives us food; Dan is grateful for its nearly constant company on his walks to and from school; I am grateful for the energy it provides our bodies in so many ways...We were also munching on peppermint bark we'd made earlier in the day and Anika shared that what she is reeeeeeally grateful for is actually chocolate, so we talked about how we need the sun even for chocolate. Then a few good sun songs for good measure and the slow lovely walk home in the dark. Happy Solstice.
May the long time sun shine upon you
All love surround you
And the pure light within you
Guide your way home
All love surround you
And the pure light within you
Guide your way home
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Busy Days
We're finally in the holiday swing of things, and things are swingin'...the girls and I visited the homeschool coop we belonged to last year for their holiday performances (think "Deck the Halls" on piano, one-finger style, and "Jingle Bell Rock" on violin...it was very cute) and to share in the making of gingerbread houses. Or in Ani's case, to get totally lost in a game with her little friend Sawyer that involved mice and dogs and rivers and lots of running. It was nice to see folks, and also nice to not feel like we missed going on a regular basis.
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