Tuesday, April 2, 2013


The lone peeper in the neighbor's backyard is peeping away; Dan has turned off the Michael Jackson dance party music downstairs, and we are slowing folding up towards bed...I can still hear birds, above the peepers, and I know we are slowly planting our feet more firmly in spring.  Huge exhalation....

Let's see how we've been ringing it in these past few days.  There was some of this, in the company of friends...

 (and chickens)

...and some Easter day making...

...yes, and this...

 ...which inevitably lead to this...

It is odd to remember that last year, this time, there were redbud blossoms and violets, and this year only this...

...though I know it will all happen in the blink of an eye.
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~

Bed is much closer now, and the peeper continues still.  I can hear Ani and Dan reading in the next room.  She just read the words "extremely adaptable" without skipping a beat. Life is marvelous, as in  pretty wonderful and I marvel...

1 comment:

alissa said...

Marvelous marvelous!!