Tuesday, August 11, 2009

On the Road, Part 1

Five days into our vacation, I thought I'd jot down some words and post some photos before the early days of our trip are more of a blur! We packed up and headed to Indiana, just outside of Terre Haute, camping our first night away from home at the Monroe Reservoir. It was gorgeous, but with all the motors allowed on the water, not very inviting. Well, not to the grownups anyway - to a kid, water is water...

I thought I'd try on Eliza's favored 'do - a ponytail with lots of sass hanging out in front...what do you think?!
After a blissful night of camping under a just-past-full-moon, happy with campfire, s'mores, fireflies and cool air, we packed up again and spent another long day in the car heading to Iowa City to see old Seattle friends who are there for grad school...

Eliza borrowed glasses from the dress-up bag and wore them all weekend; it is unsettling (and lovely in its own way!) to see her looking so much like I did when I was just a little older than she is now - large heavy frames and all.
we waited all day long for ice cream...
Making new friends with Rumpus
Eliza wasn't the only one diving into the dress-ups
This little family is so dear to us - Booch we've known for about 15 years and have had all kinds of fun with, making theater, sharing good food, travelling, and it was so lovely to spend time getting to know Brynn better, having our girls take to them like family, wishing our lives would find a way to weave us a little closer, but realizing again that friends are friends wherever they may live...
After a day of making ice cream, playing at the pool, tandem bike riding, ping ponging, ball throwing, dog walking, book reading, amazing waffle eating, and snips of precious adult conversation and life planning, we made the surprisingly short drive to Madison, Wisconsin, to my sister's house. We are spending our days and nights immersed in cousin love and pool water and such indulgences as Movies! Massage! Conversation! Enjoying being On Vacation...


Annie said...

I wonderful trip! I love how Eliza is so confident with her style. Lily and Eliza would get on famously, I think. They both have so much pizzaz!

Unknown said...

If 15 years with Booch,then Good Lord, what are we thinking Debs, 19. Years? That makes me, well, Old.

Thinking about a Hoop House for my garden. We should talk sometime...