Thursday, October 28, 2010

treasures of an autumn day

The rain let up Tuesday long enough for us to take a beautiful blustery hike in the woods with my sister and niece.  Hiking is not something they do much of at home, but they count on a hike or two when they're visiting us.  We are more than happy to oblige.
There were incredible treasures to be found in the woods...
 Quite by accident, Alissa uncovered a "cache", hidden to be found by "geo-cachers".  Geo-caching is like letterboxing, only you use a GPS system to play and instead of exchanging stamps, the finder chooses something to take away from the cache, and leaves something behind.
 I was thrilled when out of the leaves next to me crawled this beauty...she is a marbled orbweaver, and apparently they are very active at this time of year.

My sister's photos of the girls (taken with her I-phone) remind me so much of photos of us when we were their age.
 And she took this one of me, doing what I do when we're out in the woods, crawling around collecting souvenirs with my camera...


se7en said...

Totally, totally, totally love your photographs!!! Especially the gorgeous snail!!!

Annie said...

That spider! So cool