Sunday, February 2, 2014

following the red through winter

Myy eye has been drawn to the reds this week, that pop of color in the grey darkness of the last days of January...
Tokarz paints a pomegranate
Ticket to Ride
Ani's art-making

Duckie enjoying the day in his new fez gnome hat

Rufous-sided towhee and sumac berries
the beautiful Tokarz
I noticed the light shift this morning at exactly 7:00.  It was almost as if a streetlight went on, but it was the sun emerging from over the hill behind our house, and with it came an hour of bird song.  Bird song! Happy February.

I didn't really document the snow of our past 2 weeks (maybe because I suspect there is more tonight), but just so you all know we're in step here in Ohio with the rest of the United States this season this was us one week ago:

Today, with the bird song (what songbird makes a call that sounds like "puberty-puberty-puberty"? I feel like it's talking to me in the wee hours of the morning, or maybe I've just got puberty on the brain?) and the near-50 degree weather it of course is feeling like spring, but I will not be fooled!  Our friends-from-the-woods came into town to stay for a few nights this week, escaping the freezing pipes and bottomless pit of the woodstove for some visiting before they head to Chile for 2 months.  They're heading for summer-ish weather and when they return, we'll be in the gorgeous throes of an Appalachian spring...


Stephanie said...

First of all, I want to say that I regularly come by and read... and that Reading and 'writing a thoughtful comment' don't mean the same thing. :)
I've thought it better to not, then leave an uninspired comment. lol

I loooove Red this time of year! It's funny, and I've noticed it the past few years... orange, brown, and gold in Autumn, reds, greens, gold, and pinks through the Christmas, Yule/Solstice season, reds and pinks remain on my brain through Valentines day, then right after that I'm all about blue, green, and yellow! :)
Every year!

Reds are fabulous this time of year, whether they be among the snow, or a beacon against the browns, they're a treat!

Puberty, huh? :) lol

merry said...

I'm very easily distracted on Sunday mornings during our church services, by the brilliant red of the cardinals and red-bellied finches as they come to the window bird feeders. And when they return to the trees looking like bright ornaments! I also love the pearls and red flower!!